CHP’li Öztrak, sıcak paraya yaslanan dezenflasyon stratejisinin büyüme ve refah cinsinden faturasının giderek ortaya çıktığını belirterek, “Bugün açıklanan büyüme verileri...
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DP Showbiz
DP Showbiz is a custom widget for display posts from selected category (categories) in form eye-catching slideshow. This widget use ShowBiz Pro jQuery plugin by themepunch . You have a choice of three styles:
The configuration of the widget contains a lot of useful options:
Let’s start with describing the Data source section – this section contains all important options connected with selecting posts to display:
- Slideshow Settings– here, you may select:
- Slideshow lauyout style – lighbox style, full overlay style, overlay style
- Slideshow style – light or dark
- Thumb size
- Count of item displayed for different screen resolutions
- Data source settings– here, you may select:
- Category (categories) slugs – this can be coma separated list of categories
- Ordering – ordering of posts
- Offset – set > 0 if you wish start with not first post in category
- Articels configuration– here, you may select:
- Ammount of articles – general ammount articles to display in slideshow
- Title length
- Text length
- Excerpt length – important only by full width overlay style.
The cache time option is very important – it specifies how often the widget content is generated – it is safe to set it for at least 30-60 minutes or even more if the page isn’t often updated.