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DP Tabs

DP Tabs is a simple widget which can be used for displaying other widgets in the tabs:


The configuration of the widget, similarly to the DP Comments widget, is really simple:



The most important option is the Tabs source – this option specifies the sidebar used as the data source of the widget. Especially for the DP Tabs widget, we have created three special widget areas – Tab I, Tab II and Tab III – these widget areas don’t exist on the theme and they can be used in the DP Tabs widget to avoid problems with the duplicated widgets.

To create tabs, a user must drag some widgets to the specified in the DP Tabs widget sidebar. The titles of these widgets will be used as the tabs titles, the order of the widgets in the sidebar is also important – it will be used in the DP Tabs widget.

So, for example, in order to achieve the DP Tabs widget layout as in the first screenshot, you have to put the widgets on the Tab I sidebar as following:



The other options are strictly connected with the widget interface:

  • Tabs activator event – it specifies the event used to activate the tab – it can be a hover or a click event.
  • Auto animation – the DP Tabs widget can autoanimate the tabs when this option is enabled. Then, the time between tabs animations is defined in the animation interval option.
  • Animation speed – time of the transition between the tabs – defined in miliseconds.
  • Animation interval – time for the autoanimation option – defined in miliseconds

The DP Tabs widget has no internal cache system but if there are widgets displayed in the DP Tabs widget then there will be no problems with caching the widget content.

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