CHP’li Öztrak, gerçek işsiz sayısı ile resmi işsiz sayısı arasındaki farkın 8,5 milyon kişi civarında olduğunu belirterek, “İki işsiz sayısı...
Devamını oku
Now easily add any of our 600+ built in icons to your posts and pages with our new icon shortcodes. Or if you prefer, you can even upload your own. Our Icon Shortcodes come in four colours (light, gray, dark, full colour), single icons and icon boxes (three styles available).
Icon style dark
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[icon size='small' style='dark' type='Abacus']
[icon size='small' style='dark' type='AccesDenied' ]
[icon size='small' style='dark' type='AddressBook' ]
Icon style light
Get Code
[icon size='small' style='light' type='Abacus']
[icon size='small' style='light' type='AccesDenied' ]
[icon size='small' style='light' type='AddressBook' ]
Icon style full color
This set includes over 80 icons. These icons are also free for commercial use but a link to is required.
Get Code
[icon size='small' style='color' type='address_32' ]
[icon size='small' style='color' type='arrow_down_32' ]
[icon size='small' style='color' type='arrow_up_32' ]
[icon size='small' style='color' type='bag1_32' ]
[icon size='small' style='color' type='bag2_32' ]
Icons with colour badges in background
You can use any badge color in combination with any icon style and size
Get Code
[icon size='big' style='light' type='Dribbble' badge='#72AD9D']
[icon size='big' style='light' type='Admin' badge='#82789D']
[icon size='big' style='light' type='iPhone' badge='#849b71']
[icon size='big' style='light' type='MacOS' badge='#e27459']
[icon size='big' style='dark' type='AlarmClock' badge='#e0e0e0']
[icon size='big' style='color' type='piggybank_32' badge='#36B2B2']
[icon size='small' style='light' type='Dribbble' badge='#72AD9D']
[icon size='small' style='light' type='Admin' badge='#82789D']
[icon size='small' style='light' type='iPhone' badge='#849b71']
[icon size='small' style='light' type='MacOS' badge='#e27459']
[icon size='small' style='dark' type='AlarmClock' badge='#e0e0e0']
[icon size='small' style='color' type='piggybank_32' badge='#36B2B2']
The most convenient way is to insert a Icon shortcode in content is use Shortcode Generator built-in WYSIWYG editor. You do not have to remember the names of each icon. They will be automatically displayed in the select box. You can also add your own icons. They should be in PNG format and size of 32px or 64px. Just upload them into the appropriate folder (see documentation). |
Social Icons Shortcode
Get Code
[social_link class=twitter link=# title='Twitter']
[social_link class=linkedin link=# title='LinkedIn']
[social_link class=facebook link=# title='Facebook']
[social_link class=skype link=# title='Skype']
[social_link class=rss link=# title='RSS']
[social_link class=gplus link=# title='GooglePlus']
[social_link class=youtube link=# title='YouTube']
[social_link class=dribble link=# title='Dribble']
[social_link class=flickr link=# title='Flickr']
[social_link class=forst link=# title='Forst']
[social_link class=vimeo link=# title='Vimeo']
[social_link class=pinterest link=# title='Pinterest']
[social_link class=delicious link=# title='Delicious']
[social_link class=sharethis link=# title='Sharethis']
[social_link class=digg link=# title='Digg']